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How I Treated My Back Acne

Pimples are often a challenge to treat, regardless of where you get them. Unfortunately, suffering from pimple outbreaks isn’t limited to just your teen years. Acne can happen at any age for a number of reasons. Pimples can appear on any area of your body, including your back. Unfortunately, getting pimples isn’t limited to only your teen years.

But thankfully it’s possible to clear up those blemishes. Here’s how:

What Causes Back Acne?

There are many reasons people get acne, so it’s important to understand why and how pimples form.

Your body produces an oil called sebum. It’s made within the glands connected to your hair follicles. The sebum moves up the hair follicles to feature moisture to your skin and hair.

Pimples form when the extra sebum and the dead skin cells build-up. This buildup blocks skin pores and bacteria. When the follicle wall swells out, it forms a whitehead pimple. When the clogged pore gets exposed to air, pimples form.

Some common causes of acne are:

  1. Genetics. Sometimes trouble with acne can stem from your family.
  2. Medications. Most often Acne can develop as a side effect of medicines like antidepressants.
  3. Hormones. Hormonal changes within the teenage years are often the reason behind acne. except for women past puberty, pimple outbreaks are often linked to hormonal changes that happen during menstruation and pregnancy.
  4. Sweat. Sweat, can sometimes if it’s trapped under tight clothing, cause acne.
  5. Stress. Sometimes stress is a contributing factor to acne.

Some research shows that the food you eat can also be the cause of acne.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, there's some evidence that certain carbohydrates. increase your blood glucose levels which can contribute to acne. And for some, dairy products may additionally be a trigger.

How To Treat Back Acne:

Start by implementing some day-to-day skincare methods which will help treat your mild to moderate acne.

While genetic predisposition to back acne is impossible to control, there are ways to limit your acne breakouts and treat existing pimples. If you’re trying to get clear skin, keep the following tips in mind.

  1. Find out why you get back acne, i.e. genetics, clothing choices, sports activities.
  2. Wash daily, and try using products that contain salicylic acid.
  3. Moisturize your skin regularly with lotions that are non-comedogenic.
  4. Shower immediately after your workout.
  5. Try to reduce your stress level through healthy methods.
  6. Try Wearing some breathable clothes.


The acnes bacteria strain, which is to blame for your infected acne lesions, cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment so you'll need to open up those plugged pores.

Find a loofah to exfoliate with when you shower, to open your pores making them loose and pliable so you'll be able to remove all the dead skin cells and the accumulated grime.

Pores on the shoulders and back are often much larger than those on our face, that why they’re more susceptible to pimple formation. Beyond your daily cleansing regimen, think about using a strong exfoliator for your back. While facial skin is sensitive and easily damaged, the back skin is tougher. The proper amount of exfoliating can help take off the dead skin cells leaving your pores clean and clear.

Using a salicylic acid acne treatment can help a lot. This natural exfoliating ingredient penetrates your pores to filter out debris, dead skin, and bacteria.

Do more laundry

Immediately change out of your work out gear (and always shower if possible) after you’re done with your exercise letting all the sweat and dirt sit on your skin are oftentimes a major contributor to back Acne breakouts.

Keep your hair up

If you have long hair, it might be contributing to the presence of dirt and oil on your back and neck. Try wearing your hair in a bun or a ponytail if possible, especially in the summer. Also, read the labels on your shampoo and conditioner to make sure they’re non-comedogenic.

Sometimes, small changes can have huge effects on the improvement of your skin. Aim for a better diet, lower your stress levels, and improved hygiene habits. If you make these changes and still see no difference in your condition, you probably need medicated treatment.

Always Shower After working out

Working out can have amazing benefits for your skin, but unfortunately, working out can sometimes result in breakouts. Why? Oftentimes, back acne can be the result of friction and sweat. Tight clothes worn during exercise mixed with perspiration can wreak havoc on your skin. Fortunately, you can decrease the possibility of back acne breakout by following those simple practices.

  • Wear Breathable Fabrics: Always wear workout clothes that have sweat-wicking capabilities. Ladies, be sure to steer clear of cotton sports bras – they will trap the sweat to your skin wish will lead to breakouts.
  • Shower Immediately: the sooner you can take a shower the better. The longer the sweat and bacteria sit on your skin, the more likely you'll get acne.
  • A Change of Clothes: If you're taking part in long workouts that contain both cardiovascular and strength training portions, change your clothes between the two. this may seem like a hassle, but it can make a huge difference, but it can make a huge difference. make sure to wipe down all the sweat before throwing on that fresh shirt.

Practice Proper Skin Care

Whether you’re battling facial acne, back acne, or both, there’s nothing more important when treating acne than a consistent skincare routine. Follow a daily cleansing regimen: by washing and scrubbing your skin in the morning and the evening with gentle acne treatment that will help fight existing pimples and prevent future breakouts.

Because back acne is often tough to shake, it’s necessary to use a product that contains acne-fighting ingredients.

Be Wary of laundry detergent

Any products that contain fragrances may be tough on the skin. This includes some types of topical treatments like lotion or perfume. detergent is one of the biggest culprits behind back breakouts. Because fragrance ingredients can irritate and dry out the skin, which may lead to your skin getting inflamed.

Take Off Heavy Gear

If you wear a backpack a lot, the pressure it places on your shoulders might be doing your skin a big disservice. the same can be said of football shoulder pads or music equipment. The friction and sweat caused by the pressure of those sorts of backpacks and gear may result in what is called acne mechanica. this is a class of acne that results from a mix of friction, heat, and pressure.

Products to Help You Beat BACK ACNE

Dove Gentle Exfoliating Body Wash
for keeping your skin clear.

Differin Adapalene Prescription Strength Retinoid Acne Treatment
100% For the die-hard exfoliators.

Neutrogena Clear Body Wash with Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment (Three-Pack)
The grapefruit scent will wake you up, while the salicylic acid will help keep pimples at bay.

Humane Benzoyl Peroxide 10% Acne Treatment 
this is for the toughest of acne clusters.

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