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How To Lift And Firm Sagging Breasts

As we get older, it’s natural for the shape of the breasts to lose elasticity and start sagging. this is a common problem most women have to face.

In fact, "sagging" is one of the most common conditions treated by plastic surgeons.

Not every woman has the means or the will to surgically alter the shape of their breasts, but fortunately, surgery isn’t necessary to start making changes to list your bust.

There are a variety of things you can do to help prevent or minimize the effects of sagging.

What causes sagging breasts?

The most common cause of sagging is time and gravity. Regardless of who you are or what types of bras you wear, time and gravity will cause your skin and tissues to become weaker and less elastic.

However, young women may experience sagging as well. because aside from time and gravity other things may also cause sagging.

  1. Multiple pregnancies may cause the support ligaments to stretch and droop as the breasts get heavier during the pregnancies.
  2. Sometimes Smoking can cause the skin to lose its elasticity.
  3. Large breasts are more likely to sag over time.
  4. Extreme weight loss can alter the shape and appearance of the breasts.
  5. Menopause can cause some hormonal changes that affect skin elasticity
  6. Strenuous exercises can also cause connective tissue to break down especially if you have heavy breasts.

How To Prevent Breast Sagging

Now here's how to fix the problem. Most women choose surgery to correct sagging breasts but in addition to surgery being extremely expensive, but in most cases, these surgeries would not deliver desirable results. Not to mention they may have detrimental side effects to the individual's overall health.

Natural Remedies and exercise are a more suitable alternative. in addition to them being equally effective treatments, they will not cause harmful side effects plus they aren't expensive. Here are some of the best home remedies for saggy breasts.

1. Nutritional Deficiency

I know you are probably wondering how the hell does nutritional deficiency affect the firmness of your breasts.

In fact, if the nutrients needed don't reach your breasts muscles your breasts will start losing their strength and firmness, which will thereby lead to saggy breasts.

So, the solution is to eat nutritionally rich foods that contain nutrients like proteins, vitamins, calcium, minerals and essential fats.

2. Exercise!

This is a no brainer, incorporate exercises that target breast tissue and pectoral muscles around the chest into your daily routine. like: Push-ups, Chest Press, Chest Pulls and Arm Raises.

3. Bra Fitting

The wrong sized bra can make your breasts sag in no time, and not wearing bras at all doesn’t help either. Your best option is to pick bras that have special support holders. These bras will keep your breasts in place and prevent the sagging.

4.Regular Massage

Massages are a great way to get those breasts back in shape. Massaging your breasts in an upward motion for 15 minutes daily can be great for saggy breasts.

The rubbing motion generates heat which improves the blood circulation, strengthens the connective tissues and muscles thereby preventing breasts from sagging.

Massaging with oils rich in antioxidants and fatty acids can reverse the damage caused by free radicals and will also improve skin tone and texture.

5. Posture

Bad posture can either cause the breasts to hang by their own weight or putt more pressure on the breast tissue which aggravates sagging.

on the other hand, Good posture involves teaching your body to assume positions where the least amount of strain is placed on supporting your Breast during movement.

By keeping good posture (shoulders back and back straight), you end up with evenly distribute the weight in your body which helps protect your Breasts against sagging.


By taking good care of your body, you can improve your pectoral muscles skin elasticity, which can minimize the effects of sagging.

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