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I applied Honey To My Skin For More Than 10 Years ... and This is What Happened

For me, honey is the best thing that can ever happen to your skin. I’m talking about the pure, natural one, not those packed coffee sweeteners, or honey substitutes with added maple syrup.

I apply honey to my skin for more than 10 years now (I’m currently 27) and I don’t really wanna brag about having clear skin but… I do. All thanks to those honey masks I would like to share with you.


My first experience with honey was when I was about 16 and a friend of mine (who spent her entire teen years with flawless skin!) told me that she applies a small amount of honey whenever she feels the ‘symptoms’ of a pimple forming underneath the skin surface.

My reaction was not super positive. I remember telling myself “This is bullshit. There are people with good skin and there are pizza faces, and I just draw the short straw”.

But I did remember what she told me, so I tried it the very next day. Actually, I covered my entire face with a decent amount of honey, which started melting and, long story short, it was a big mess after this 30-minute experience.

Being the perfect example of a teenager, I expected immediate results - looked at myself at the mirror, saw no improvements and I even got mad at my friend for lying to me.

After a day or two, out of boredom, I decided to try the honey mask again. This time, I used a very small amount, again, I used it for the entire face but the layer applied was thinner and this time, I didn’t need to desperately run under the shower. I left the honey mask for 2–3 hours and after washing my face I saw the first effect of my honey treatment. My skin was always irritated, there was redness, even pain when I got my favorite raging zits from time to time.

But this was all gone - my skin was now calm and super soft!!

You only need this much ↑↑↑

Also, I got a better idea - I decided that it will be even more beneficial if I apply the raw honey just before bedtime and spend the entire night with the sticky mask. And so I did.

Unfortunately, the first results I noticed were my sticky pillowcases - something I did not enjoy very much. But the moment I saw my transformation in the mirror, I was really impressed: all the active acne spots covering my cheeks and forehead have visibly improved - there was very little to no redness, they were less inflamed, when I washed my face I didn’t see the oily coverage on my T-zone (at least for the next few hours).

This was a long time ago but I do remember how I felt about the only treatment that seemed promising so far.

After a month or two, I applied the honey 2–3 times a week; before bedtime, I no longer had acne spots (you can find more acne spot treatment options here). There were 1–2 small pimples forming before my period but this was all. Before that, my acne situation was much worse.

I kept applying my honey masks on a regular basis during the next few months, and I shared it with lots of friends with similar problems: some of them tried it and liked it, some never did.

Anyway, there’s something else I started noticing. Due to the active acne, I had for a couple of years and my picking obsession, I had deep scars, covering my cheeks (my forehead was fine, I still don’t know why). Well, after 3–4 months of honey application, they became less noticeable, the affected areas looked brighter than before, even those hypertrophic scars I had looked flatter than before. Here you can find more information on other effective scar treatment options.

It took me long to realize that this was once again the raw honey effect on the skin: it promotes healing of the damaged tissue, according to clinical trials. And it appears effective on older scars. It took me about a year, maybe a year and a half until there were no visible scars left on my skin. Yes, the treatment process requires total dedication and a lot of patience but it does the trick!

Why am I still using honey? My skin feels and looks better after the ‘honey mask’ night. It rejuvenates my skin, it still makes it softer, younger and radiant. Of course, I only apply the mask twice a month now but it is perfectly enough to nourish my skin.

I can't convince you to try the honey effect but, you see, there is no better option when it comes to skincare! :)

Hope you liked my answer!

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