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Popular DIY Skincare Ingredients That Are Actually Horrible For Your Skin?

There are so many popular DIY skin care ingredients that are actually harmful to the skin and won’t even be vaguely beneficial.

1. Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds are a popular ingredient in DIY skin care, especially in scrubs. Coffee doesn’t provide any major benefits and using it in scrubs is just a bad idea. When you apply a scrub, it’s really easy to over exfoliate your face, so you should probably just use a chemical exfoliator instead. If you’re set on using a physical exfoliator, you might as well use some kind of sugar scrub that breaks down with water so you don’t harm your face.

2. Lemon

Just no. Lemon is so harmful to your skin, I honestly don’t understand why so many people like to use in DIY skin care. Although it contains vitamin C, it’s not concentrated enough to provide any real benefits. Lemon is also acidic which can seriously irritate your skin and cause reddens, dry skin, sensitivity, and peeling. If you have sensitive skin, lemon’s negative effects can be much much worse.

3. Avocado

While avocados aren’t the worst ingredients in DIY skin care, you don’t get any benefits applying it topically to the skin. Avocado can also irritate sensitive skin, causing redness and inflammation. Here’s my personal experience with avocado in DIY skin care-

Back when I believed in DIY skin care, I made an avocado and honey face mask. It went something like this-
  • My dad accidentally ate like half of it (?)
  • After I washed it off my face broke out into hives (I only kept it on for 5 minutes)
  • I wasted a good avocado.
4. Baking soda

Baking soda is terrible for you skin. It’s quite a popular ingredient in DIY scrubs and lotions. Baking soda can dry out your skin, cause wrinkles, cause reddens, worsen acne brake outs, and irritate skin. While not everyone is sensitive to baking soda, I still wouldn’t recommend it in terms of skincare.

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